Download cyrax ultimate mortal kombat 3
Download cyrax ultimate mortal kombat 3

download cyrax ultimate mortal kombat 3 download cyrax ultimate mortal kombat 3

You can set bombs up in patterns to do big damage combos, as they remain dormant for a few seconds each. The Bombs are a very unique containment move and are a big part of his zoning strategies.You can trade a sweep for a net very easily and it's worth it. The Net is also excellent against sweepers. Generally a person will be holding block in this situation and the net will not connect, but there are many occassions where things are happening too quickly, but the point is, you should go for the 6 hit autocombo with a starter. Watch for when the net connects and the opponent is touching the ground. An active net disables bombs, and his air throw, but not his teleport. For example: aaNet, aaHP, net, aaHP, net (the nets do not count as part of the combo) and now finish it accordingly. The net has a limit of 2 hits before it is disabled, and can be broken to 3 with some timing, you also must pause briefly between connected usage. Use the net in juggle combos to extend them a bit. You can buffer a net to escape run jab scenarios as well because it only needs a couple frames and doesn't even have to be on the screen yet to be active. If you do a net from full screen and your opponent jumps backwards to clear it, run forward with Cyrax right as he recovers and they will land in the net, setting up his 6 hit with a starter, or a roundhouse to bombs. You can often times trade a hit for it, like a jump kick or jump punch can be snuffed with a well timed net. The Net is his primary containment move.Ducking LK is quick and pointy, excellent to get out of runjabs or prevent them.

download cyrax ultimate mortal kombat 3

JK is good, jump punch is kinda tight and ball like, and is easily counterable. Sweeps have good range and recovery is the same as female ninjas. LPs are really good for double run jabbing mid screen, they keep in tight on the opponent because you have to be closer to connect them. The robot Ninja roundhouse is late on the hit and has some funky corner issues, good range, low height, better on far away jump ins. Standing HK is topps, uppercuts are somewhat bad in the sense they tend to miss in crucial situations similarly to Kung Lao's, for instance you have to take a step in if you want to counter a punishable move sometimes to hit an uppercut. Regular throw damage reduced, counts as part of a combo and activates damage protection.Bombs cannot be dropped while a net is on the screen.

Download cyrax ultimate mortal kombat 3