Because vascular systems help plants stay rigid and grow upright, moss is typically very small and stays low to the ground. As a type of Bryophyte, moss is a spore-producing nonvascular plant.

In this article, we’ll go over more than 25 common types of moss and how to recognize them. Although moss isn’t the most diverse group of plants out there, there are still around 12,000 species! Some of the most common species can be found on multiple continents.

Moss loves to colonize new ground, so it commonly grows on rocks, brick walls, cracks in the sidewalk, and everything in between. It’s now found on every continent including Antarctica, thanks to its ability to grow in Earth’s harshest environments. As one of the first land plants, moss was able to spread across the entire globe.

Moss is a ubiquitous plant that often goes underappreciated and overlooked.