Learn more about how to update your profile information in Skype. Your profile at your fingertips: You can access your profile quickly by tapping on your profile name. Learn more about how to add a phone number as a contact in Skype. Who you gonna call: We’ve made it easier to save a phone number as a contact. Skype for iPhone and iPad began rolling out Novemand released gradually over the next few weeks. Learn more about how to invite someone to Skype. That was easy: For Skype on mobile, you can easily share your unique QR code with friends and family to scan and connect on Skype.Skype for Android, and Skype for iPhone and iPad began rolling out Novemand released gradually over the next few weeks. We’ve done some sprucing up and made a few general improvements. Make it yours: When you update your icon theme on Android, your Skype icon will be updated as well.Skype for Android, and Skype for iPhone and iPad began rolling out Januand released gradually over the next few weeks.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it: Stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends.All the pretty colors: You can customize your theme in Skype and choose from several different colors.Skype for Android, and Skype for iPhone and iPad began rolling out Januand released gradually over the next few weeks. Skype for Android, and Skype for iPhone and iPad began rolling out Februand released gradually over the next few weeks. Verified status for email and phone: You can confirm that your email address and phone number are verified under your profile settings.Skype for Android, and Skype for iPhone and iPad began rolling out Maand released gradually over the next few weeks. Update Skype Go to Known Issues Send feedback

Skype for Android, and Skype for iPhone and iPad began rolling out Apand released gradually over the next few weeks.